Saturday, November 21, 2009

Film Love Isn't Wrong

There are two types of people. People who watch movies one time and one time only, and people who watch them multiple times. No judgment on those single-dip kinds, but I am happily in the latter category. I can watch movies several times, and in some cases many, many times, and still find fulfillment, enjoyment and occasionally, something new.

Some films are so layered that one viewing simply cannot scratch the surface. Every time I watch such films, it's like Christmas all over again, with new "gifts" to open and enjoy. In some cases, the same scenes, perhaps fully understood the first time around just continue to be a treat each time. I find this in comedies when the scenes are so well executed that they can make me laugh again and again. Or in dramas that ring so true that they make you cry with fresh feeling every time.

What is the secret? Why do some films hold up so well, while some just don't?

I would say that the distinction is difficult to define...but think of it this way...

Sometimes when you see a film you just know it's the One. Well, one of the "ones". But you know.

Some films are blind dates. Your friend suggested it. Or another film was sold out and you went to it in it's place by chance. You may hit it off, you may not.

Other films you've had your eye on for a long time. You saw the preview, you waited and waited, and then you finally got your chance. With this much hype, it may let you down.

But there is that rare film that just fits you like a glove. It's like coming home. And when you find that film, you know that you want to spend the rest of your life watching it. If that happens, don't let it get away. Lighting may not strike twice.

Or it may strike dozens of times. In which case, it's not really cheating on the other film. Maybe you have an "understanding".

Let's just leave that metaphor behind.

The point is, the way I see it, some films are just a one night stand and some films are a bit like falling in love.

And that is what I wish for all of you. That film that you'll want to take home for Thanksgiving. To share with your family.

You'll want to...but let's face it. It may not go well. Maybe it won't be a good fit for your family. They'll embarrass you in front of your film. Someone will get drunk and then start talking politics. Things will be said.

Maybe it's better to just run off together.

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