Monday, November 30, 2009

The process continues...

This is a continuation of an earlier post where I started going through my process of taking a scene in Maya from the basic materials to a fully finished piece.

To refresh your memory here is the scene we started with:
(as always, click on an image to see it bigger)

I did a ton research and found a lot of reference images that I liked and began the process of applying materials and textures to all of the objects in my scene.

Here is where I am now:

As you can see, there is still a long way to go before the texturing is done. Everything looks a little too clean and new. I have to add some dirt and scratches to everything and "bend and dent" the metal appliances a little. It needs a "lived in" feel.

I started to work on that with the copper stew pot and the rest of the pots. They have separate textures applied to modify their color, bump, specular color and reflected color. Here is a close up of the pot with just a straight material applied to it:

The next step, in addition to "dirtying" everything up, is to texture the character - his clothes, skin and hair.

Then I have to light the scene and render it out. So far, a single frame takes 90 seconds to render. The scene is 375 frames long. 375 frames x 1.5 minutes per frame = 562 minutes = 9.375 hours. That will increase once I add the animated character, camera moves, light refraction off of the metal...

It's due on the 12th of December. Ugh.

I gotta get back to work. More later.


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